Immersive Learning
Games are a core form of learning facilitation. Ardacious brings game design fundamentals together with extensive experience in education and training to develop curriculums and assessment strategies that invite immersive and interactive learning.

Site Activation
Augmented Reality has become a powerful tool in both commercial and public settings to add extra dimensionality to a site. With Augmented Reality site activation, you can add historical context, safety information, educational content, artistic depth, or gamified elements to an area without unsightly signage, physical handouts, or human guides.
Ardacious Learning Platform
Our latest product, the Ardacious learning platform is a way to thoroughly assess learner outcomes through modern, experience-based methods.
Using marker-based Augmented Reality gives assessments a tactile element that boosts learner engagement, and allows educators to easily simulate true environments with real-world scenarios.

Ardent Roleplay
To develop and test our Augmented Reality platform, we created Ardent Roleplay: a mobile app for tabletop role players to immerse themselves deeper than ever in the stories they create.
Click here to learn more about how Ardent Roleplay and our AR software works.